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What are the colours about?

The colours reflect your individual household’s relative energy use. Blue means you are using less energy than your average. Red means you are using well above your average and purple means you are using about your average.

For wattson users who have renewable energy activated on their wattson, your wattson will glow orange if you are producing more power than you are using.

wattson calculates a rolling average based on the energy data it receives. This ensures that people with larger households are not always ‘in the red’ and single occupants are not always ‘in the blue’. wattson automatically calibrates itself to the individual household.

Why is wattson saying OUT OF RANGE?

Wattson and its transmitter are paired up at the factory, but it can happen that during the transport they become unpaired.

Insert the jack from the red sensor clip into socket no.1 on the black transmitter. Hold down the button of the Transmitter for +/- 3 seconds till the red LED lights up, the red LED/light will light up for 1 minute.

During this 1 minute period, take a very small screwdriver or paperclip and insert it into the middle hole which sits just above the mode button on the wattson (the centre of the three holes). Using the screwdriver or paperclip, press the button that sits within the hole. It only needs to be pressed once. Note: This reset must be done while the red LED on the black transmitter is “on”.

You will notice that when the button is pushed on the wattson the unit resets and will display the message “HELLO WATTSON”.

This procedure may have to be repeated until the transmitter and wattson are paired successfully. 2 or 3 times should be more than enough. Once you have achieved this, your unit will display “PAIRING SUCCESSFUL”.

If you do not succeed with getting PAIRING SUCCESSFUL a change of 4xAA in the transmitter is advisable.

Setting the transmission rate on your transmitter

Depending on what mode your transmitter already is in, by pressing the button once, the LED will flash twice, press the button again and the LED will flash once, press it again and the LED will flash three times, press again and the LED will flash twice and so on…

3 Flash LED mode: LED flashes once every 3 seconds i.e. transmits once every 3 seconds. Uses the most battery power. 2 Flash LED mode: LED flashes once every 12 seconds i.e. transmits once every 12 seconds. Uses less power than the 3 Flash mode. 1 Flash LED mode: LED flashes once every 20 seconds i.e. transmits once every 20 seconds. Uses the least battery power

So if the 1 Flash LED mode is selected, the transmitter will use the least battery power, however the wattson will be updated less frequently and in turn will be less accurate if one has appliances on for a very short interval and vice versa if the 3 Flash LED mode is selected.


Where do I input my own tariff?

Your wattson is factory set on 13p/per kwh. You can change wattson to your tariff in HOLMES. Once you opened Holmes on your computer just choose ACCOUNT>RATES. Through the advanced rates option you can then input your standing charges etc. It is advised to have your bill next to you when you complete the tariff.

Please do not forget to have wattson connected to the computer (via USB) for to download afterwards your tariff on wattson, so it will display your yearly prediction correctly.

My data in holmes and/or the export file is not correctly synced with the time/date on my PC/MAC

If the time on your PC /MAC is correct and the data in holmes and/or the export file is not correctly synced with the time/date on your PC/MAC then do the following:

Use the feature called CHANGE PAST RATES to correctly sync the time/date. This feature can be found in holmes under ACCOUNT/DATA. Select all the dates/days that you have gathered data for and follow the steps to change the past rates. This will sync your data correctly with the time/date on your PC or MAC.

What is the latest version?

Our latest official versions are: V1.04 for MAC / PC

you can download the version you require from click on HOLMES, then a drop down menu will appear. Click on DOWNLOAD You need to either login (if you have registered before) or REGISTER to get to the download page.

What code is Holmes written in?

When we started on the working of HOLMES, which was five years ago, we wrote the code in DIRECTOR (OBJECT ORIENTATED LANGUAGE) as at that time, it was still the best developer tool for us. However in terms of technology everything changes very quickly, as you know, and it became very difficult for us to change the technology. Therefore Holmes seems a bit outdated.

We realise we want to give you the best solution and therefore have opened up our API so you, as developer, can create your own fantastic holmes which will can be more up to date technology wise and function wise. Please get in touch if you interested in developing Holmes on another platform.

Viewing data on HOLMES

Holmes has got an integrated FLASH embedded graphing software. When you are scrolling to the sides FLASH needs to redraw every time you click into a direction. Therefore, depending on your computer speed or data amount, it can become slow. We are working on finding a solution for this.

You can however export your data range as a CSV file so you can view your data either in EXCELL or NUMBERS.


We are very sorry that we can not provide a linux version. We support all Linux users out there but our resources are too limited. In case any Linux developers are interested in taking action themselves then please get in touch! We can provide the API and tell you about our experiences with holmes and wattson users.


We are continuing to improve HOLMES the best we can.

64BIT OS? will Holmes still work?

Yes, with version 1.04 only.


In case we miss an email.

It does happen sometimes through either human error or the email fell accidentally into the spam folder. If we do not answer your query within 3 working days please do get in touch again. You are important to us.

you can leave a ticket on our helpserver. or contact us on