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Wattson Solar Plus

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Wattson Solar Plus with Easifit is the only wireless portable energy monitor showing both electricity generated and used in the home.

Product Info

Wattson Solar measures renewable energy using the same technology as it uses to measure power consumption. Installed simply, Wattson Solar can tell you how much generated power you are producing, your net usage (whether you are generating more than your are using) and your actual consumption.

The Wattson Solar Plus has display modes to:
• see when free electricity is available
• view total amount of electricity generated to date
• manage the effectiveness of your Solar PV system
• raise awareness of your daily usage to reduce bills

More importantly, with a sudden colour change, Wattson Solar tells you when you are generating more energy than you are using. The ideal time to switch on the washing machine, hoover or other domestic appliance.

Click here to view and download the Wattson manual here

How it works

Wattson Solar Plus uses sensors that simply clip around the outside of electricity cables to get its power data. The data is then sent wirelessly from the transmitter to the display.

It works with 210V-240V single phase or 400V-460V three phase lectricity supplies and uses flexible tariff structures to suit most pricing plans and feed-in-tariffs.

Can I install Wattson myself?


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