Energeno’s new range of Home Automation products utilises the surplus FREE electricity produced by your Solar PV system, whether or not you are at home, so you can run your appliances for FREE, rather than paying for expensive electricity.
- Use your FREE electricity
When it is available whether or not you are in the house.
- Save money on your bills
By minimising the purchase of grid imported electricity.
- One-size-fits-all
Use with any brand of inverter and panel.
- Maximise returns
On your Solar PV investment by knowing how much of your Solar Power to use.
- Works with Wattson
Wattson Solar Plus, Wattson Professional and all original Wattsons.
- Increase efficiency
Of your home by using your Solar Power and still get paid for generating it.
Wattson sensors continuously monitor the electricity being generated and used in the home. This data is then transmitted wirelessly to the clever Opti-Range devices which know the excess electricity available to use so each available Watt is used effectively and your appliances are run for free.
- Opti-Plug the intelligent socket which switches on your appliances when you have spare electricity.
- Coming Soon Optimmersion the proportional controller which diverts free electricity to the immersion heater.
- Upcoming: look out for the Wattson Inside label on intelligent devices which automatically switch on your chosen appliances.